On the occasion of the International Day against Racism and Discrimination on 21 March, the ACV launches the campaign 'Dare to React'.
Do you witness racism or discrimination? Dare to react!
Dealing with racism: general tips for conversation
When confronted with a racist incident or a discriminating statement, it is important not to remain silent, but dare to react. In this way, we all systematically work together towards a society based on solidarity.

Want to respond, but not sure how?
Our general conversation tips will help you!
Read them all here. A selection:
Stay polite. There is no point in building up tension.
Speak in the first person and avoid pointing fingers. Don't attack the other person's identity, but question ideas.
Accept that the person on the other side believes what he or she is saying. His or her statement is based on his or her own reality and background.
Recognise that our own way of thinking is driven by beliefs and prejudices just as much as the person we are talking to.
Ask questions to enter into dialogue and understand why the other is making such statements.
and more: discover them on the ACV page