As a fellow worker, you do not have an 'ordinary' job with an 'ordinary' employment contract.You have a fellowship, for which you sign a fellowship contract. This contract does function as an employment contract. But you do run the risk of not having a fully-fledged white-collar worker's statute, and of falling somewhere in between a student and a member of staff in terms of rights and obligations. Sometimes your situation for social security purposes is regulated by circulars.
To give you the best advice, we have to take into account some parameters:
the duration of the scholarship
the type of scholarship (because holiday pay and end-of-year bonus can differ according to VIB scholarship, IWT, FWO, scholarship development cooperation, Chinese scholarships...)
nationality, EU/non EU (this determines your social rights and replacement income)
place of residence (e.g. your place of residence has a fiscal impact)
