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Historic agreement on hybrid work. Now the roll-out.

The organisation of telework can get underway. The collective labour agreement (CAO), which outlines the general framework at KU Leuven, has been signed. Now it's up to all teams to make proper arrangements.

The time has come. What once seemed like a dream is now becoming reality: structural teleworking is becoming the norm at KU Leuven. It is not an obligation, nor should it get in the way of an active campus life. But there is no longer any doubt: KU Leuven is getting on the hybrid work train.

The ACV team of KU Leuven has worked hard to reach the best possible agreement. Together with the other unions, we stood side by side to give shape to teleworking, together with the HR department, together with the employer.

Now that the collective agreements have been made, the ball is in the teams' court.

The task for the coming period is: talk about it.

All teams are going to look at how they organise telework. There is support from the personnel department. When consultation does not run smoothly, mediation is possible.

What do we want to do together, when do we come to the office?

After a year, the new way of working is discussed and evaluated at the social consultation.


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