Privacy protection
Insofar as the cookies collect your personal data, the General Christian Trade Union of Belgium (ACV), with its registered office at Haachtsesteenweg 579, 1030 Schaarbeek, acts as the controller of your personal data.
See usprivacy policy for more information about the ACV as the controller of your personal data
When you provide us with personal information (for example to become a member via this website), we undertake to process that data in accordance with the legislation on the protection of privacy and with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). ) established rules.
Data related to trade union membership is considered 'sensitive' by that legislation. As a result, we will under no circumstances transfer this data to third parties, such as employers, political parties or movements, other associations of any kind, marketing services, etc. All our employees have entered into a confidentiality commitment regarding the use of this data. We are transparent about the data we collect. We pay a lot of attention to the security of our computer system.
With this website we want to:
let you get to know the ACV better: our structures, points of view, services and services
provide you with basic information on aspects of social legislation and labor law
offer you online services through our e-services.
We always take great care in the layout of the information you find on this site. Nevertheless, it always concerns general information, which is not necessarily applicable in all special cases. Moreover, social law is evolving very quickly. We therefore cannot guarantee that our site will be updated as soon as changes come into effect.
The information on this website is therefore to be taken as first advice. She only makes sense in relation to the individual service you receive in our service centres, our employment law services, our professional centres, etc. Therefore, we do not take any legal responsibility for any errors or misunderstandings that may arise from the use of this information. On the other hand, we are happy to take into account the criticisms or suggestions that you want to send us.
It goes without saying that this limitation of liability does not apply to the actual operation of our services, either our administrative services responsible for the payment of social benefits, or our legal assistance services.
Our website may contain links to other sites over which we have no control. Of course we cannot guarantee that these sites are available or that their content is correct and complete. We cannot accept any liability in this regard.
The general information that is accessible to everyone can be consulted free of charge. This also applies to the information you have access to if you are a member of the ACV. You can consult, download, copy and print them free of charge for your personal use. You can also distribute them to colleagues, friends or relatives, use them in your trade union work, in publications, training courses or other non-profit activities, provided you cite the source. However, you cannot commercialize this information without the prior written consent of the ACV.
This site, and the ACV in general, are governed by Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, only the Belgian jurisdictions are competent.
Additional information
Data Protection Authority, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels,
Email Disclaimer
If you receive e-mail messages and any attachments from the ACV, please know that they are confidential and intended exclusively for the addressee(s). Anyone who receives such an e-mail without being the addressee is informed that he/she may not use its contents without the sender's permission.
If you have received such an e-mail message in error, we request that you immediately notify the sender and permanently delete the original message from all computers and mobile devices, as well as destroy all digital and paper copies. The ACV is not liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from the receipt or use of this digital message.
The content of the message is distributed with reservation. The ACV is in no way liable for the consequences of incorrect or misleading statements.
The ACV attaches great importance to the protection of personal data and complies with the AVG (GDPR). You can find more information about this on our privacy protection page.